New UAE Ban Rule & Profession Categories

Ban in uae, dubai ban, visa ban in uae, employment ban in uae
UAE Ban rules
Can people still get UAE Ban? Can companies apply employment ban on employees?

We are receiving mails and messages from UAE expats that how can we banned and the Government  of UAE has already announced no more ban system for UAE expatriates in 2016?

Questions Mostly People Asked us about UAE Ban is:

Explain us the Terms and Conditions of UAE Ban?
Which professions to be count and excluded from Ban Rules?

So we've decided to write few lines regarding our visitors queries.

Before starting please note that this new Rule is based on Mutual Concept/Agreement and the labour ban can be dismissed if the work permit and employment are terminated in mutual agreement between employee and employer.

What is Mutual Agreement?
Employees who deside to terminate  or cancel  job contract/visa with a permission from their employers(Companies) will be permitted to transfer to other companies (employers), even if they have not completed two years at the present company.

Another Point to be noted that the NEW LABOUR BAN Rule is not for all Professions, there are categories that has been divided in skilled and unskilled Employees.

We have divided professions into 5 Categories and levels. 

Please check out below professions who are under NO LABOUR BAN RULE.
Category 1, 2 and 3 are under NO LABOUR BAN RULE  with Mutual agreement  while Category 4 and 5 Excluded from the New Labour Ban Rule.

Category 1 (Skilled Labours):
1. Manager
2. Engineer
3. Doctor
4. Teacher
5. Accountant
6. Accounts Clerk
7. Marketing Specialist
8. Quantity Survivor
9. Draftsman
10. Pharmacist
11. Administration Officer 
12. Executive Secretary
13. Reservation Officer
14. Safety Officer
15. Public Relation Officer
16. Advertising or Graphics Designer etc

The minimum salary for above skilled labours should be 12,000 AED with Attested University Degree.

Category 2 (Skilled Labours):
1. Technical workers
2. Technicians
3. Mechanical Related Professions etc

7000 AED minimum salary along with Post Secondary Education certificates required for Category 2 Labours.

Category 3 (Skilled Labours):
1. Sales Executive
2. Sales Representative
3. Sales Supervisor
4. Site Supervisor
5. Administration Clerk
6. Correspondence Clerk
7. Custom Clearance Clerk
8. Cash Desk Clerk
9. Ticketing Clerk
10. Cashier
11. Receptionist
12. Store Keeper
13. Tourist Guide etc

Secondary Education certificate with minimum 5000 AED salary.

Category 4 and 5 (Unskilled Labours):
1. General Labours
2. Housekeepers
3. Construction Labours
4. Helper
5. Cleaner
6. Loading & Unloading
7. Office Boy etc

IMPORTANT: Category 4 and 5 is not included in NEW UAE BAN RULE , if category 4 and 5 (Unskilled Labours) have not completed 6 months with the first company/employer are exempted from this rule.

Q: If someone is graduated but currently working in 4th or 5th Category, will he face Labour Ban ?
It Depends what's listed on your Ministry of Labour contract and residence visa.
Another option is that he/she should have Attested Certificates from Home Country, UAE Embassy and from MOFA UAE as-well.

Q: My visa printed in 2015, am I free of Labour Ban in 2016?
No, Only applicable to Ministry of Labour contracts that signed after 1st January 2016.

Click here to Read "How to Check Visa Status Online"?

For more questions about UAE Ban or removal of ban, ask us in comment box.


  1. Hello I have a Visa of Sales Executive in one insurance Broker LLC company.. In June I am completing 6 months.. I am not satisfied with this job now. I want to change my job.. Is it possible to change job without any Ban ?

    1. Hi.My visa was stamped last 2015 and completed my 13months in a financing company as sales executive. Will I have a labour ban since I have 2 year-contra t to them?

  2. You are under category 3
    What was the date of MOL Contract Papers?

    1. How about Registered Nurse?

    2. MOL contract date is 21st December 2015... I m getting 4500 Salary now.. Please guide me that I dont want to get Ban..

    3. dear sir, i m working in uae as an accountant in uae last one year,should i get ban if cancel my visa with visa is stamped on april 2015

  3. hey, i want to change job. I will complete 6 months in this june. My visa is of engineer. How much salary i need for next job to not get banned?

    1. Thank you for Your Comment Mr. Engineer
      You will Require Minimum 12000 AED Salary Contract from New Company and NOC and Cancellation Letter from current Company with stamp and signature.

  4. Hi,
    I'm working as a driver since February 2016 and I resigned in my current company will ban apply on me if yes then how can i remove?

    1. Yes Mr. Bro
      You will face Labour Ban for 6 months or may be for 1 Year if not completed your 6 months period with first company.
      To avoid the ban, we will suggest you to do not resign until you got offer from new Company.
      Please reply here back if you already cancelled your Visa?

    2. appreciated your swift response .
      Yes I got an offer from Emirates/danata.
      What about the ban is there any way to remove?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank You for appreciation
      Please read below lines:

      Option 1:
      The employee must be qualified
      For those who have High School attested Certificate they need 5,000 AED Monthly Salary.
      For those who have Diploma attested Certificate they need 7,000 AED Monthly Salary.
      For those who have Attested Bachelor & above they need 12,000 AED Monthly Salary.

      Option 2:
      If employee joins the same sponsor, automatically 6 month ban will be removed.

      If an employee files complain in Ministry of Labour for the below reasons:
      1. Salary delay for 2 months or above.
      2. Company Closed
      3. No end of service
      4. Invalid reason of termination

      For more copy paste below link to read full article

    5. Hello. I worked in Abu Dhabi in Year 2014. I didn't finshed my contract because my employer did not follow the salary agreement based on the contract she filed absconding case against me which later immigration proved no evidence because she held my passport since day 1 of working for them. After that I worked for another employer as a cash desk clerk but my visa application keeps getting disapproved so my employer decided to sent me to kish to exit, before i left i secured a clearance from the immigration to make sur i didn't get a ban. I spent 5 days in kish before my new visa was released. When i was about to enter dubai, they held me in the airport for 3 days my employer don't know why. I was held after the eye scan. And was told by the airport officers i got a lifetime ban. But my employer checked a lot of times and even talked to the immigratiom officers and said i'm not banned. They deported me 3 days after being held. I'm thankful to dubai authorities though because they are all nice. But i still don't know why they forbid me to come back. By the way my first employer is a syrian national.

    6. I worked for my first employer for 3_ months only but i counterfiled a case against her and won the case both immigration and judicial because she illegslly held my passport. I went home to Philippines in January 2015. Will my ban Can still be removed? What should I do? Coz i really love to go back to UAE. :-(

    7. Hello i just want to ask under what category is PHYSIOTHERAPIST included?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My profession on visa is follow up clerk and my salary mentioned in contract 2200 basic and 1100 house allowance,I just finished 2 months in company so if I resign now I will be ban ?

    1. Thank You for Your Comments Mr. Lucky Razi
      You are in Category 3, you will require a minimum salary of 5000 AED from new company to avoid Ban.
      Note: This 5000 Salary is for Paper Submission and MOL Contract.
      Or take Visa Transfer Permission from your current sponsor on basis of Mutual Agreement.

  8. Hi!!
    Please am working as a,restaurant supervisor but in my visa they stamped as a Arabic chef I have only 3 months withe the current company do I have ban if I resign????? Please advise

    1. MOL only Accept what is written in Contract, in Papers and System you are working as a Chef.
      Chef's are in Category 4 or some time category 5.

    2. So my contract is a restaurant supervisor I will get any ban if I didn't finish six months???
      Thank you

  9. if visa is from freezone ajman and i resign from job still i will face ban ?

    1. No
      There is no Ban for Free Zones Companies but only if you are resigning Legally and didn't involve in any illegal offense.

  10. I effected from new rules even tasjeel people they didn't give me correct info. My previous employ they gave me noc. I went tasjeel to prepare the documents for removing ban. They prepared the documents and they said submitted to labour office when I reached to labour office they didn't even recived my papers. Bcz they said I got 1 year ban.
    Now I m in pakistan. She'll I apply vizit viza. Can I enter dubai???.
    If I get viza from dnata or freezone I can continue my carrer in dubai???
    Please reply me I really need ur help

    1. Sorry Mr. Hassan you haven't guided right
      Any how you can enter UAE freely on Visit or Tourist Visa even you owned Labour Ban,
      and the good news is that "if you appointed or selected by any Free Zone Company or Local Emirati person (Home Visa) the 1 Year ban will automatically remove.
      Keep visiting us for more updates.
      Thank you

  11. I effected from new rules even tasjeel people they didn't give me correct info. My previous employ they gave me noc. I went tasjeel to prepare the documents for removing ban. They prepared the documents and they said submitted to labour office when I reached to labour office they didn't even recived my papers. Bcz they said I got 1 year ban.
    Now I m in pakistan. She'll I apply vizit viza. Can I enter dubai???.
    If I get viza from dnata or freezone I can continue my carrer in dubai???
    Please reply me I really need ur help

  12. Sir my qualification is MBA finance and having 10 years experience in pakistan . Please help me in searching a suitable job.

    1. We are Helping Helping UAE Expats for free, furthermore We are in a process to provide free and Confirm jobs to fresh job seekers and to those who are in home countries as-well.
      Keep visiting us for updates.
      Thank You

  13. how fancy to see my position on the Labour Law is 5000dhs basic, apparently in reality i only have 1,100 basic... nonetheless still fortunate i got a job

  14. Hi. Hope you can accommodate my query. I am working as HR Recruiter but my visa is as archive clerk. I have my bachelors degree attested but only receiving 4500 aed (30% of 4500 for basic and the rest were alloted for housing and pther allowances). Is this a fair amount knowing that my visa post is different from my real job? If ever someone had offer me better salary and of the same type of business am I allowed to transfer even if they dont agree?. Ive been working with them for almost 3 mons now.

    1. Thank You for Your Comments LeoGirl, appreciated your question
      This question will definitely help readers in future.
      Please note that "MOL only accept what you have signed and what they have in their system, you are skilled labour and in category 3 as per your signed contract.
      In above case, you may own 1 year Ban if resigned without knowing new Contract Terms and Conditions.

      If you got offer and current company wasn't allowing you to resign you will have below 3 options to avoid ban.

      Option 1:
      You must be qualified
      For those who have High School attested Certificate they need 5,000 AED Monthly Salary.
      For those who have Diploma attested Certificate they need 7,000 AED Monthly Salary.
      For those who have Attested Bachelor & above they need 12,000 AED Monthly Salary.

      Option 2:
      If employee joins the same sponsor, automatically 6 month ban will be removed.

      If an employee files complain in Ministry of Labour for the below reasons:
      1. Salary delay for 2 months or above.
      2. Company Closed
      3. No end of service
      4. Invalid reason of termination

      Dear LeoGirl hope you got your answer, if not yet or still have doubt, please do not hesitate to write here again, we are here to help everyone for free.
      Thank You for your time.

  15. Hello. My question is not really in connection with the ban issues but with other related issues like is it a MUST for the company to pay my two way ticket after I finished my 2 years contract? And during my vacation is it in labor law to provide basic salary and accommodation allowances amount only? Should I not be receiving full amount of salary during my vacation leave regardless from of it allotment? Hope you can help me out with this confusion.

  16. My qualification and real job is on Category 1 and yet my visa is on category 3 but still earning less than 4500.

  17. Hello. My visa was jan 2015. I'm an engineer. Can i transfer company now without ban? Thanks.

  18. Hello .if some one resign from other gulf country like qatar n saudi can come here on émployment even if they have ban on that country.thanku

  19. Hello .if some one resign from other gulf country like qatar n saudi can come here on émployment even if they have ban on that country.thanku

  20. Hello admin, I am working as Decoration Artist in a Hypermarket.
    * I Started Jan2015.
    * Salary of 2400

    I want to transfer work because our store will close but possibly they will just transfer me into another company. What are the requirements that I need to reach so I will not be banned if I will transfer.

    1. Please provide us the profession written on MOL Contract?

    2. Thank you for the response, "SALES" is my profession based on my visa.

  21. Hi admin.I am a Civil engineer under LIMITED CONTRACT my visa will be expired this June 2016 if i renew then get a new job after renewal do i have Ban and do i have to pay 3 months salary to my company?

    1. If the contract renewed you will have to work for 2 years, but under mutual contract system that announced by MOL you can get another visa even if haven't completed 2 years.

  22. Safety officer, i signed my MOL contract of my company last sept 2015, i am included? Thanks

  23. Hi I am a licensed nurse but my visa is tax accounting clerk earning 12,000 dhs. Now there is a new management and they had terminated me. I want to go back being a nurse. Is there any ban for me? And how much would be the salary offer to lift my ban? Thank you.

    1. Are you still inside UAE?
      If your degrees and Certificates are attested by Embassy and MOFA UAE then you will just require minimum salary of 12000 AED on new contract to avoid ban.

    2. Yes I am still inside UAE. Even with a NUrse General visa I need to have 12,000 dhs salary? I didn't finish my probationary period only 5 months and they have terminated me. Will I still have a ban?

  24. hello my brother stayed on visit visa from June 2015 with our company last Februray 8, 2016 finally the company issued residence visa. Due to some politics & misunderstanding my brother was terminated end of February 2016. He is a Stock Officer however in his visa it says Archive Clerk. He is a Highschool graduadte with all documents attested. PRO said he will face a ban if the visa will be cancelled before july 4, 2016. how much will he pay to lift the ban? If company gives NOC will the ban be lifted also? thanks

    1. PRO is counting 6 months period,and he is correct.
      Your brother is under 3rd category and he will require 5000 Aed of Minimum salary with attested certificates to avoid ban, other wise he will face 6 months Ban if he cancelled.

  25. Hi Good morning I want to ask my labor card expiration is August 30,2016 but my residence visa till October 20,2016 what will I follow the labor card or my residence visa?
    Because I want to resign from here I am working as a Car Rental Agent and which category Am I belong.

    Waiting for your kind reply.

    1. Please contact MOL before Labour Card Expiry, you will fined after expiry of Labour Card and in some cases may be unable to renew visa inside UAE,UAE EXIT will be must for you.

  26. I worked in Dubai as a salesman & I came to my home country for 1 month. Now I wanted to return to Dubai but my company Boss told me that your visa is cancelled I still have 1 year left in my contract.

    1. Thank You for Your Comment Mr. Hikmat Jit Kunwar
      An employee working in the UAE cannot be terminated from his services while he is on annual leave.
      If an employer does dismiss a member of his staff while he is officially on leave, it may be considered an arbitrary dismissal and the affected employee can take course to legal action.
      It is not permissible to dismiss or serve notice on an employee during annual leave.
      Where an employer does dismiss or serves notice, it will be possible to challenge the dismissal or notice as being void.
      Do not hesitate to reply for further details if still confused.

  27. Hello
    I wanna ask about escaping report .
    I lift uae and later my sponsor reported me , when i back to uae as visiting visa they refused to get me in and they made eye print ( black listed )
    the eyeprint in the airport can be removed after few years especially if there was no crime record .
    Only leaving without resignation.

    1. Black list person can not remove his offense and may unable to enter UAE again.

  28. Hello
    I wanna ask about escaping report .
    I lift uae and later my sponsor reported me , when i back to uae as visiting visa they refused to get me in and they made eye print ( black listed )
    the eyeprint in the airport can be removed after few years especially if there was no crime record .
    Only leaving without resignation.

  29. Hi ive been working in one company here in abu dhabi for 16 years as a computer programmer will i get a ban if i resign and tranfer to another company.

    1. Thank You for contacting us JONDALD CRUZ
      MOL will count your new visa days,they will deal with you as per MOL System (Your New Contract that you signed).
      for more, reply to your first Comment

  30. I am a secondary graduate with attested diploma but currently working as a housemaid. I have been working for my employers for almost 5 years.How much should a household worker be getting as a monthly salary? And in case I want to change job category at the end of my contract as I am not satisfied with my salary,will I be allowed to stay in the country to look for another job without needing to present a NOC?

    1. The first point to be noted that Housemaids and Nani visa's are controlling by Immigration not MOL.
      If you cancelled current visa you will get 30 days to found new job, andfhfh dffjf df fhdafdjhf j f dfdhfdf fhfdjd fhdfhadfjfhf hrur ryejsfhur dfhf
      Thank yufhf

  31. MArhaban,

    I worked in Real Estate as Sales Executive 2012-2014, my Pakistani employer sexually harassed me, I reported it to Police on March 2014 but didn't pursued a case. The following week, they terminate me and told me that I wasn't working hard. They let me signed a resignation letter against my well. So, after a days, I found new job in the same field, only then I knew that my previous employer reported me abscond. I wanted to know my situation as I voluntarily went to Aweer to pick up my passport and scan my eyes and went back to my home country. Am I blacklist or do I have any ban?

  32. Is it possible to lift lifetime banned if absconding?

  33. Good day sir,my cousin just recently renewed her contract in a saloon working as beautician but find new job with a better salary is she facing a ban?

  34. I am working as secretary under unlimited contract but i have a UAE attested university degree holder certificate, i am already over 1 year in this company and planning to resign however i have in doubt if i will be getting a ban since i havent finish my 2 years contract yet.

  35. Hello I want to know if my visa will be cancel early before the expired it will be receive a banned?

  36. Hello I want to know if my visa will be cancel early before the expired it will be receive a banned?

  37. I have been working with my current employer since April 2012 as Business Development Manager and my second contract is finishing on 11th June, 2016. Its since four years am working with them. In case if I get a new job do I have to give one month notice period or can I directly tell my employer that I dont want to renew the contract without giving prior notice period. Can they apply any band for me?

  38. Good pm i avail the amnesty last 2013 im i in a life time ban?is there any way to cancel that?hoping that you could help me..than you

  39. Hi im working in salon my visa just renewed jan.27 2016,is it possible for me to look for another job or to change company?

    1. you have to wait or You can change your sponsor under Mutual Agreement as your category is 4 or 5.

  40. Please my contract is restaurant supervisor I didn't finish six months yet I will get any ban if I resign!!??
    Thank you

  41. Hi. My visa is nurse general working here in dubai and my contract ends this september. However I have a very good offer in Al Ain salary package is 13k. If i resign before my contract ends and not get an noc, will therr be a problem? Need ur advise. thank u

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Someone who has just renewed contract working as a merchandiser and planning to change job, with No attested education certificate .. will he get banned?

  44. Hi,my visa under Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services with a Job Title of First Aid Emergency Nurse,which category we belong?

  45. I am working in my present company for 2 months since may labour contract was released March 2016. I want to quit my job because i am not sayisfied with it because i do not know until when can i take the rudeness of my manager. Will i face the ban or do i need to pay may employer?

  46. Dear Sir,

    How to check if my name is listed in the blacklist record. I don't have any bad record except that i went for a vacation but did not come back on time. My company told me they put me in the lifetime ban.

  47. i did not finish my two years contract and my visa ws already cancelled do i have the right for compensation ....

  48. Im working in medical center under unlimited contract,and now i am already six months,but i want to i have a labour ban?

  49. I'm working as a driver since may 2015 and I resigned in my current company will ban apply on me if yes then how can i remove?


  50. Which category i belong im a chef tnx!

  51. hi,

    one of the company in abu dhabi offered me a basic salary of 3500 aed with the total of 6000 aed including other benefits as a site nurse but i havent sign the offer yet,

    im a HAAD RN with a 5 years experienced in a hospitalin the philippines, can you pls help me find a job their.

    my contact number

    thank you!

  52. Tailor from what category?thanks&regards.

  53. Dear sir,

    Candidate from Fujairah Free Zone company, can he approach Dubai MOL for his final settlement or any MOL related issues or is there any division where he can get the solution for his requests like

    Salary pending
    Visa cancellation
    Final settlement etc.

  54. iam an IT engineer comes in sales visa ,but doing IT job here in same company . completed one year ... company told me to search for a new job .. can i change ma job?

    1. Yes you can change by mutual agreement, take cancellation and NOC letter from Current company, you will require above mention salary and attested education certificates to apply in new firm.

  55. Hi admin , I'm working since 13 months as archive clerk, will I get ban if I resign ? What will be the best way to transfer to another company without getting ban ( I don't have any certificates) . Thx

  56. Hello! I am working as a general nurse ( DHA licensed- 4 year Bachelor's graduate) in a company and my contract will end this august 2016. I had my visa last august 2014. Now, my question is...will i get a ban if i will resign? I have a job offer in Al Ain and the salary is 7,000 aed. My company is not giving NOC but I formally resigned and paid the 45 day gross salary.


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Hello.. im working in a retail store as a cashier positon. Holding secondary diploma. Under unlimited contract. Company decided to lessen their staff and they start to a new comers. Im joining in the company last nov.4 2015 company was terminated me last may 2, 2016 then i signed the cancellation paper last may 11, 2016 cancellation process as per them was only for 2days. I get the cancellation documents it showing that i cancelled on may 14, 2016. Now my question is do i face the 6mos labour ban? Thank you.

    1. If you haven't hired somewhere else may you will face 6 months ban,
      Your category is 3 and you will require 5000 AED of salary to avoid ban along with attested secondary education diploma's.
      Thank You

  59. Hi I am a storekeeper and have reached 8 months of my 2 year contract, for clarification if I resign and transfer to another job will I face ban as well provided there is permission from the employer that I can transfer? What if they don't agree for the resignation can I still not resign? Thank you

  60. Hi I am a storekeeper and have reached 8 months of my 2 year contract, for clarification if I resign and transfer to another job will I face ban as well provided there is permission from the employer that I can transfer? What if they don't agree for the resignation can I still not resign? Thank you

  61. How about for Registered Nurses? Which category will it be as it is not mentioned on any of the 4 categories. Thank you!

    1. HAAD Nurse in Category 1 if you have attested University Degree.

  62. i resigned in private hosp. under limited contract and wasnt able to finished my contract. i got an offer from a semi government hosp. do i still have a labor or employment ban?

  63. Hello sir,im worked almost 8 years to my employer(2007 to 2016) im household worker i resign cause about the salary i apply to another company..i have cancellation paper and my visa in passport are But the problem sir the company they cannot apply for me visa cause he told me im still active in my last employer... What i do sir .. Thank you for reply

  64. Hello sir,im worked almost 8 years to my employer(2007 to 2016) im household worker i resign cause about the salary i apply to another company..i have cancellation paper and my visa in passport are But the problem sir the company they cannot apply for me visa cause he told me im still active in my last employer... What i do sir .. Thank you for reply

  65. How about for registered haad nurses?

  66. Hi, the company of my sister in law where she worked was closed due to financial issue, she was sales attendant with 2500 salary and worked just 5 months and his boss did not give her 2 months salary, her visa was already cancelled from her privious employer, and the new employer did not manage to get working visa for her as the labor dept. said that she has a 1 year ban. What else the other options for her to remove the 1 year ban.

    1. The best option for you is to come back to UAE on visit visa and start searching work in FREE ZONE Companies, or local Emirati home visa.
      Note: Visit Visa and Tourist Visa's are open even if you have Labour Ban.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Why is it that even the UAE government posted minimum salary/offers to qualified professionals either skilled or unskilled workers, still all or other facilities hire their employee with lower salaries/offers? Do the government of UAE have a regulatory body to check on these things? Because many professionals who are working right now receive lower salaries from what is expected to the labour law. Thank you

    1. Hello JV
      These categories are divided by us to describe our visitors in details.
      Further more in salaries and other benefits we agree with you, salaries are lower than what workers are expecting.
      Thank You

  69. Hi, Good Day.
    I'm currently working now as a Technician for almost 4 month's my Salary was 2400 aed. If ever i resigned and find a new job should i face a ban? Thank you.

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  71. As far as a know, this new rule is also applicable for 2014 and 2015 contracts. I recently resigned from my job which i lasted for just a year and 5months. My visa was printed december 2014. I talked to several MOL customer agents already trying to ensure if i have a ban.
    The agent told me that i already completed more than 6months so Labor ban will not be applied and since i had a mutual agreement with the comoany to termunate the employment, i will not face any kind of labor ban. This is based on my eexperience just recently.

  72. Hi i appreciate the prompt response given by you for many people.

    Hi my visa is issued on Nov 2015 as follow-up clerk with 6500dhs as salary. I am and mechanical engineer on limited contract for 2years from Nov 2015 to Oct 2017.

    If i wish to change my job as mechanical engineer in another company will i get ban ? if i get ban what are the options available to change employment without ban in limited contract.

    The current company has no projects and planning to terminate people. If i am terminated will i get ban? what papers i need to get new job if i have been terminated?

    Awaiting your kind advise.

    1. Thank you for your Comments
      Mr. Anonymous you are in a list of skilled labour and your visa category is 3.
      If you are applying for the same post you will require minimum 5000 Salary from new company, you will also require attested certificates,

      If you are applying for higher profession i.e Engineering etc you will require minimum salary of 12000 AED along with Attested University Degree from Embassy, MOFA UAE to submit at MOL.

  73. Hello. I am a HAAD nurse here in Abu dhabi. Am i under category 1? And if i am in a company with unlimited contract? Do i need to stay until i reach 6 months prior transfering to another company? Is there will be a ban for me also? Thanks!

  74. hi! i working now for almost 6 month as cashier in an exchange, my visa is as a bank clerk which category am i and what if i decided to apply and got accepted in any airlines will I be banned? my visa is abu dhabi visa. hope that you will answer this. thank you

  75. Hi. I'm currently working under Sales Representative Visa (August 2015-Limited Visa) , but i just passed my HAAD exam and i want to practice my profession as a nurse. What are the consequences i have to face? Thanks

    1. Sounds Good, You have great opportunities to work as a Nurse in UAE, Try it Asap.
      You are currently in a list of skilled labours, and your category is Number 3, as mention above in article you will require minimum 12000 AED salary with attested Documents to apply for a Nurse in new company, your Category will be transfer from 3 t0 1.

  76. hi! have good day in which category belong the security guard? and i just want to asked also if would transfer to another company do i get ban? anyway i'm currently working as security guard for more than three years? thank you!

  77. HI. My company changed my visa from unlimited to limited. is is this changes there has any disadvantage to me???? Please respond.

    1. No dear, don't worry,
      Limited Visa's are based on fixed term contracts which are using for specified duration with listed beginning and completion dates while Unlimited Employment Contracts where the employee (worker) continues his/her work for company from a specific time (date) as the agreement or contract is terminated by first or second party after giving prior notice.

  78. Every one is asking questions, no one appreciating the great work of this Blog,
    Let me say Thank You very Much ADMIN for this informative posts in simple wording.
    Salute from a Pakistani.

    1. Thank You very Much Mr. Pakistani
      People like you giving us more power.
      Thank You again

  79. Charisse Ann Ojerio you are ban by Immigration Department.
    Did you tried a visit visa or tourist visa?
    As some times immigration ban are for 1 year only, and in some cases worker can get life time ban.

  80. Hi good day
    I have quiries regarding resignation from a renewed limited contract. . i rendered my service for about 2 years and 9 months. Then I found a better oppurtunity and decide to terminate my contract and informed them. Then they asked for a favor for me to finish my schedule until the end of the month in which i agreed to. and now the company is asking me to pay 6 months salary. is this constitutional?

    1. No, there is no such LAW to pay Employer sex month salary, wage etc
      You can freely go out under mutual agreement or if you provide above mention documents with at least salary.
      Thank You

  81. hello! I've been here in UAE since August 2015 working as a private nurse but my visa is shoe sales.I'm planning to resign this September 2016 as i finish my 1 year. I don't have a copy of my contract because they let me signed a contract written in arabic. every time i tried to ask for a copy the office had a lot of alibis or reasons.i'm planning to look for a better job since my salary is too low 1500 AED. They also FORCED me to sign an agreement to pay 15,000 AED if i will not finish my contract and to have a six months notice if i planned to resign. please advise and give some options. and if i'am going to have a ban. thank you and looking forward for ur response..

    1. Nurse for 1500 Salary?
      According to UAE LABOUR LAW no one can force employee to sign agreements, if are graduate or you can provide attested certificates to MOL you can easily found new job,
      you are currently in category 3, so you will require minimum 5000 Aed salary from new company.
      Please reply back with thanks, If our answer is helpful for you,

  82. Good day labor officer,

    I am under limited contract.

    My job role is driver but in my labor card & visa is cleaner worker. What posibility problem that i will face in this matter?

    If i resign before 6 months or more. I have a ban? I need to pay? How much?

    If i got a freezone company, the ban is applicable or not?

    Tnx a lot

    1. Thank You for contacting us
      Currently you are under 4th category, you will have to complete 6 months if your visa issued after new LAW (1st Jan 2016)
      If your visa stamped in 2014,15 you may face 6 months ban, to avoid that ban Free Zone Company is the best way for you. you will not face ban if you hired by any FREE ZONE FIRM.

    2. Please must reply back with thanks, If our answer is helpful for you,

  83. Good day!
    I already completed 2 years in my present company and was renewed last January 2016. I am under unlimited contract with a visa "Accounts Assistant" position. Am I included in the New Labor Rule? Will I need to finish 6 months for me not to get labour ban? How much salary do I need to obtain to lift the ban in case?

    1. You are lucky, check your visa issue date, if it is stamped on 1st Jan or later you will not face ban, you can get new job any where in UAE on mutual agreement.
      In case if current employer reject your resignation you will require minimum 12000 Aed Salary on contract from new company with attested university certificates.

  84. Hello there, I was hired in my current employer in August 2015. If my employer will terminate me due to crisis or cost cutting, will I incur a ban? I am a College Graduate and working as Recruitment Officer but my visa is Receptionist.

    1. Are you working on Limited or Unlimited Contract?

    2. I'm working on unlimited contract.

  85. Hi, I've started working with my current employer in May 2015. My employer terminated me due to cost cutting. Will I incur a ban? I am a College Graduate and my current job is Recruitment Officer but my visa is Telephone Switch Board Operator.

    1. Yes you will face ban in case you resign or terminate before completing contract.

      you can remove your ban within UAE (Without Leaving Country) by finding a job in any Free Zone Company.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

    2. Hi, even that my contract is unlimited and have a mutual agreement, i'll still face ban.
      Thank You

  86. Hi! I have an unlimited contract, already finished 2 years and recently renewed last February 2016. I am working as Secretary but my position in MOL Contract was Archives Clerk. I would like to ask if I will face a LABOR BAN once I resigned in my current company? What should be the salary that I should have if in any case I will get a BAN?

    Also, I would like to confirm if my Bachelors Degree Certificate attested here in UAE will be considered as well as Bachelors Degree? Some says that Bachelors Degree in Philippines will be equivalent as Diploma Holder here in UAE since Philippines and UAE have different curriculum. Kindly confirm.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. As you write your visa is Archives Clerk, you will just require 5000 AED salary from new company with secondary education certificates, if you bachelor attested degree from embassy and from MOFA UAE you are eligible for new visa without any Ban because your visa meets the new rule that announced 1st Jan 2016.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  87. Hi sir my visa issued on September 2015 as painter buildings. but i am working here as draftsman. my salary is 6500 on limited contract.

    If my company terminate me before completion of my contract will i get ban? what procedure i need to do to get a new job without ban.

    If i wish to resign and look for another job do i need to pay any penalty for terminating the limited contract? I heard my college saying i need to pay 3 months basic salary as penalty to the company is it true?

    Thanking you in advance for your prompt reply.

  88. what is the min salary for cat 3,4 labours if i may ask?

    1. There are no fixed salaries in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

  89. How can i know if there is any ban to me in enter to uae.

  90. Hi I'm working as Admin/Receptionist but my visa is sales and it was released last April 24, 2016 (Sales) and my employer gave me noticed (May 9) that my last day would be May 31, 2016 as I was terminated in the company. Is there any ban for me? Can I still apply for another job in another company? Please confirm...thank you.

    1. Yes you can apply, please don't waste your time, you are under new UAE LABOUR LAW 2016 (No ban).
      Your visa category is 3, you will just need 5000 minimum salary on agreement from new company with attested certificates.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  91. Good 2yrs.contrct will be finish by aug.2016 as sales associate,my plan is to renew,but after 3 months after i renew im planning to resign to find another job...what are the consequences happen to me if i will resign aftr 3 months...should i pay to my employer??or they will give me a ban??please reply..

    1. Sorry Anonymous you have not write your profession and visa category.
      Please reply back to your first comment with details.
      Thank You

  92. i am receptionist in hotel and almost finish my 2years contract, but why all of receptionist working in that company are the salary is playing in 1600 aed only including transpo,food allowance and accom. and i think in uae law i am in 3rd category. is that our minimum salary? i thought 5000 aed minimum.

    1. Yes Category 3 profession required minimum 5000 salary to join new company, but this salary is basic without any benefits.
      your company is providing you transport, food and accommodation as well.
      so calculate total expense of above allowances.

  93. Hai sir i wantto ask am already resign i want to known if i have ban. may finish contract is july 22 2016.but untel now may company is not yet cancelled my visa. because i have complain in the labour. now i dont know want i weel do or what happen to me if my company is canlled my visa. please help me or gave me advace. i resign because my company is we porsh me to resign.

    1. You have good time to search new Job, if someone is ready to hire, you will just need above mention documents and minimum salary agreement.
      If you can not provide you will face Labour ban for minimum 6 months.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  94. hi, i m working as an accountant in uae,my visa is stamped on 2015 april,if i cancel with there any ban for me?the new rule is only applicable for visa which is stamped after 2016 it?

    1. Yes new ban system is only for new visa applicants started 1st Jan 2016.

      but if you can provide required document such as ATTESTED Degree's, NOC letter from previous company, Offer letter and new contract with minimum salary of 12000 from new company, you will not face ban.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  95. Hello ,

    I had worked in UAE(Abudhabi visa) in 2006 and i have a ban sealed in my passport because of absconding case put by my previous company , is that still valid ? can i get the ban removed under new rule ? ..i will come under category 1.

    1. No, you will face this ban for whole life, sorry :(

  96. hello.
    i just wanted to inquire on which category falls the nurse? and if i resigned with will i be banned? and my contract is unlimited. and i worked for almost 10 mos. thankyou.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Hi,
    I just want to inquire about my status. I work in hotel in TECOM as a waiter but they terminated me. I start to work with them in april 2014 and terminated last march 2016. Now i'm in my home country, if i want to go back is there a ban? Thank you!

    1. Visa details please, Limited or Unlimited ?
      L.L.C or Free Zone?

  99. I was not able to return to UAE to renew my visa last February 2016 due to upgrading my license and i need to take some trainings and process my documents in the philippines. My office told me that i was banned for 1 year. Is there a way to short the time of me being banned in UAE. Thank you for your reply.

    1. No there is nothing to short the time but a possible a legal way to remove your Labour ban is to apply for visit or tourist Visa, come to UAE, search for any Free zone company.
      if you hired by them, your ban will automatically remove.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  100. I was not able to return to UAE to renew my visa last February 2016 due to upgrading my license and i need to take some trainings and process my documents in the philippines. My office told me that i was banned for 1 year. Is there a way to short the time of me being banned in UAE. Thank you for your reply.

  101. Comments are awaiting Approvals, please be patient

  102. Dear sir
    I'm Hari Prasad Bhattarai from Nepal. I have worked in UAE for 18 months but my contract was for 24 months. Then came back and didn't return back. I didn't have anytypes of dues. It has become five years. Now may I visit uaE for any purposes. Am I banned or not. Plz reply.

    1. You have to face ban for 6 months if not completed your agreement.
      To check your ban (temporary or Life time) apply for visit or tourist visa, if it approved you can enter any state of UAE Legally.
      Thank You
      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.

  103. Hi, I've started working with my current employer in May 2015. If my employer will terminate me due to cost cutting. Will I incur a ban? I am a College Graduate and my current job is Recruitment Officer but my visa is Telephone Switch Board Operator on an unlimited contract.

    1. we already replied your last comment, please check your first comment above.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  104. Hii..i am working last 1 nd half my company is already is thiere any band..

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. I am currently working as a salesman but my visa is driver. I started working this may 2016. And my salary that is in my contract is 500 aed a month.I'm working in my company for almost 2 months. Is there a ban for me if ever i will quit my job and find a new one? Thank You!

    1. 500 Aed is the lowest salary for sale person or for driver, under mutual contract you can go any where, if your current company reject your resignation you can complaint because you are under new uae labour law visa rules that announced 1st Jan 2016.
      Please note that you will require minimum 5000 salary from new company to write in contract and also secondary education attested certificates.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

    2. But what if i don't have my new employer/company yet but i just want to resign in my present job. Is there a ban for me?

    3. But what if i don't have my new employer/company yet but i just want to resign in my present job. Is there a ban for me?

  107. Hi sir my visa issued on September 2015 as painter buildings. but i am working here as draftsman. my salary is 6500 on limited contract.

    If my company terminate me before completion of my contract will i get ban? what procedure i need to do to get a new job without ban.

    If i wish to resign and look for another job do i need to pay any penalty for terminating the limited contract? I heard my college saying i need to pay 3 months basic salary as penalty to the company is it true?

    Thanking you in advance for your prompt reply.

    1. Thank you very much Mr. Sathish for Contacting us, Your question is really important and it will help many of expats in future, we will try to write short article on it.

      Please not that there are no Labour laws which prescribe that an employee or worker should reimburse the employer or company towards the visa expenses.
      Article 60 of the Federal Law No 8 of 1980 Re: Regulation of Labour Relations which states:

      "No amount of money may be deducted from a worker's wage in respect of private claims,

      Hope you got your answer,
      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  108. My employer implemented a new salary structure, they removed our basic salary and moved us to commission basis. I did not sign the new agreement so they terminated my contract. Also, they found out that I have a freelance job which is one of the reason they terminated me. I've got my visa on January 22, 2016. Now they want me to pay the visa expense of 5 thousand including the salary they gave me since January (total amount is 20 thousand). They will not cancel my visa and release my passport until I paid them. I'm asking them to give me a chance to look for a new job so I can raise money to pay the visa expense but for the salary they want me to return, I'm still disputing it. What legal actions can I take to allow them to release my passport so I can get another job and raise the money to pay what I owe them. Am I required to pay the visa expense and give back the salary they gave me even if I'm terminated? Also, the 6 months rule shouldn't apply and I shouldn't get a labor ban because I have a college degree and I'm a graduate of business administration. I work as a sales executive and they gave me a salary of 3000. Thank you.

    1. Thank You for your brief comment Mr. Gerald Adriano
      we really like the way you write your query we hope it will help in future,

      First of all please note that you are under New Labour Law 2016 (No ban Rule) and if are graduated and can provide your attested certificate you will not face any ban.

      now come to the topic, there are no Labour laws which prescribe that an employee or worker should reimburse the employer or company towards the visa expenses.
      Article 60 of the Federal Law No 8 of 1980 Re: Regulation of Labour Relations which states:

      "No amount of money may be deducted from a worker's wage in respect of private claims,

      Another important point "If you are terminated by company for reason other than mentioned in UAE LABOUR LAW Article 120, you are eligible for 3 month’s compensation from them but you will not get any gratuity under limited contract.
      Hope you got your answer,

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  109. Hi I was reading your answers to all, which i like a lot, just having a question as i am working in a hotel and we are facing problem of receiving salary like March salary we receive in May and April is pending and even its May's End we do not have any news .. in this case what we can do. and what would be out come of that

    1. Thank You for Appreciation
      You can Report to Ministry Of Labour if you are not receiving your wages on time or in full.
      MOL will contact your Employer with the notice.

      Please must write Thanks if our reply is helpful, if you are not satisfied please do not hesitate to write again.
      Thank You

  110. Hello Mr. TAQI RAZA RAJANI We've checked your Visa Details. Your Previous visa was from AL WADHI PLASTER, there was nothing from them against you,
    Your 2nd visa was applied in July 2015
    Location: SHARJAH
    Visa Rejection Reason: Unknown
    It seems you have rejection from Immigration department due to some unknown reason. Please apply for visit or tourist visa, and try once again, or send your father to immigration department to check the confirm reason for you, as you are clear in MOL system.
    If you want us to check for you with immigration, it will take sometime

  111. Dear all,
    Hope this message finds u well!
    My question is about 1 year labour ban.
    I've been working for my previous company as a sales associate since october 2015 till march 2016. I resigned during probation period coz i've got better offer from another company. My old company was not angry for it and even they gave me NOC letter. My new position is store super visor and salary is 6000.
    But since 2 months im trying to remove my ban and all what im doing is useless. MOL doesn't want to submit my letter to lift my ban even i have NOC and all my certificates and new offer.
    Their answer is - 1 year ban can not be removed.
    Please advice me what to do? Is there any way to remove my ban?
    Waiting ur respond so much!

  112. What abt a physiotherapist? which category?


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